The mural entitled ‘Arabs agree to disagree’ by graffiti artist eL Seed is a commentary on the ambiguity of the revolutions that have swept North Africa and the Middle East.

Borrowing the words of Ibn Khaldun, Tunisian father of sociology, eL Seed makes tribute to the Arabs who have ‘agreed to disagree’ on the conditions of their rule. However, the phrase has a double meaning. Khaldun also comments on the nature of inner conflict present in many Arab societies.

eL Seed thus also makes reference to the political disagreements now existing in Tunisia post-Bel Ali. The pointillism style used to create this mural, and the blurred effect this gives, mirrors the reality of revolutions around the world; they are neither clean nor clear.

  • Muhammad Adil
    Jul 30, 2011 - 2:39:24

    Very Nice Work

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