Film Photographs by Umar Islam
Sep 12, 2019 INSPO, Photography
Umar Islam / Courtesy of the photographer
Umar Islam has been taking images on film for over a year and has a keen interest in historical architecture and contextual photography. He intends to travel the world, and document major or significant mosques in that country. He plans on creating an archive which would highlight the sacred spaces that exist within Islam to preserve the memory of them.
The following photographs are from his two series, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia.
Umar Islam, Contemplation, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photograph Contemplation is part of the Palestine series. The photo was taken inside one of the few mosques, located within the main compound. A guard sits at the opening of the mosque and reads his Qur'an, contemplating on what he has read." (Umar Islam)
Umar Islam, Indeed I am near, Palestine, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photograph Indeed I am near is part of the Palestine series. This photo was taken at the time of zuhr adhaan and was one shot. The towering presence of the dome in the background characterises to me a passage from the Qur'an: "and if my believer asks of me, for indeed I am near" (Al-Baqarah 2:186). I felt that where ever I went in the compound, I’d always notice His presence and shadow. The verse is fitting to how I felt when being in His presence." (Umar Islam)
Umar Islam, Al Quds, Palestine, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photograph Al Quds is part of the Palestine series. A perspective of the main mosque of the Al Aqsa compound was taken from within the streets of the Jewish Quarter." (Umar Islam)
Umar Islam, The Dome of the Rock, Palestine 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photograph The Dome of the Rock is part of the Palestine series. I wanted to focus on the intricate details that the architecture holds and emphasise the golden dome, but still have the nostalgic feel that film photography brings." (Umar Islam)
Umar Islam, The secluded minaret, Palestine, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photograph The Secluded Minaret is part of the Palestine series. This was taken during my exploration through the different quarters in Jerusalem. I came across this mosque within the heart of the Jewish quarter and was impressed by it’s simple architecture, yet its seclusion is what I saw and I wanted to capture in that moment." (Umar Islam)
Umar Islam, Pilgrims, Mekkah, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photograph Pilgrims is part of the Saudi Arabia series. This photograph was taken from the top deck of the Grand Mosque in Makkah. This was my first visit to the holy city and I was captivated by the vast amount of people that were present there; people of different colour, culture and ethnicity all merged into one. I wanted to capture the synchronised movement around the Kabbah, all unanimously going in one direction." (Umar Islam)
Umar Islam, The Kaabah, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photographs above are part of the Saudi Arabia series. I wanted to look at intimate angles of the holy Kaabah, focusing on its aesthetic and shape, but also highlighting upon the symbol that the Kaabah represents to the Muslim ummah." (Umar Islam)
L. Umar Islam, The Minarets, Makkah, 2019 / R. Umar Islam, The Minarets, Medina, 2019 / © Umar Islam
"The photographs above are part of the Saudi Arabia series. I have always had an admiration for minarets; their structure, height, and way in which they complement the dome but stand alone as its own entity. I wanted to capture an image of what I believe are the two most famous minarets in the world; one in Makkah and the other in Medinah." (Umar Islam)
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