Treasures of Islamic Manuscript Painting from the Morgan
Oct 22, 2011 Art Collection
Image above: Qur’an leaf with heading of sura 29 / Possibly Iraq, before 911, MS M.712, fol. 19v. Purchased by J.P. Morgan, 1915. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
Treasures of Islamic Manuscript Painting from the Morgan marks the first time the Morgan has gathered these spectacular volumes together in a single exhibition. On view are such treasures as a thirteenth-century treatise on animals and their uses that is regarded by some experts as one of the greatest of all Islamic manuscripts, single illuminated pages, Qur’ans, and an illustrated treatise on astrology, wonders of the world, demonology, and divination.
The centrality of the Qur’an to Islamic life is represented by a large mosque Qur’an that takes center stage at the beginning of the exhibition. The earliest Qur’ans—beautifully handwritten on vellum and in oblong format—are shown, along with later Qur’ans—on paper and in vertical format.
A rare, Darwish Mahmud Mesnevi Khan’s illustrated translation of “Stars of The Legends” mostly about the life of Rumi, the celebrated Persian poet and mystic, reveals the special place of poetry in Persian culture. Also presented are six illustrated manuscripts of Nizami’s Khamsa (“The Quintet”), which include depictions of the legendary tales of ill-fated lovers Laila and Majnun, the Persian Romeo and Juliet, as well as Iskander (Alexander the Great), and Bahram Gur and the Seven Princesses.
Mosque Qur’an Shiraz / 1580 / MS M.532 (I), fol. 2r. Pur, chased by Pierpont Morgan, before 1913, Photography: G Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
Qur’an leaf / From the Read Persian Album, Probably from the Decan (Golconda), late sixteenth century. MS M.458.34. Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1911. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
An Uzbek Prisoner / Leaf from the Read Persian Album, Probably Herat (Afghanistan), ca. 1600, MS M.386.2r. Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1911. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
Bust Portrait of Hakim Mumina Wearing a European Hat / Leaf from the Read Mughal Album, Mughal, ca. 1620, with border of ca. 1750-1800, MS M.458.5. Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1911. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
Two Gazelles Running / From Ibn Bakhtishu’s “Uses of Animalsâ€, Persia, Maragha, 1297-1300, MS M.500, fol. 36v. Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1912. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
Laila and Qais in School / From “The Khamsa†by Nizami, India, probably Ahmedabad, ca. 1618, M.445, fol. 136v. Purchased by Pierpont Morgan. 1910. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
The Funeral of Jalal al-Din Rumi / Baghdad, 1590s, MS M.466, fol. 124. Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1911. Photography: Graham S. Haber / Courtesy of The Morgan Library & Museum
Treasures of Islamic Manuscript Painting from the Morgan is organized by William Voelkle, curator and head of the Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts. This exhibition is supported in part by a generous grant from The Hagop Kevorkian Fund and by the Janine Luke and Melvin R. Seiden Fund for Exhibitions and Publications.
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