KAZAKHSTAN / 3rd Marketplace of Creative Arts: Astana “Unity in Diversity” 7-8 June 2011 at Palace of Independence, Astana


Bearing the theme “Unity in Diverse”, this event will bring together some of the best young creative artists from various regions such as Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia in the fields of music, dancem theatre, comedy, visual art and film-making.

Some highlights from the Programme:

The Art of the Tengri: Exploring the Culture of the Steppes

Central Asia is home to the Tengri tradition, a culture specific to the people of the Steppes. With the advent of Islam in the region, the Tengri culture assumes a unique fusion of artistic expressions and symbols. This ancient culture has survived the sands of time, and it is therefore time to unravel its hidden beauties.

Silk Road Revisited: Connecting Cultures Through Art

The days of the Silk Road were not only marked by the pinnacle of international trade. This ancient trade route was the crossroad in the meeting of different cultures, bustling with the exchange of goods and the sharing of common values. In today’s Muslim World, the call for unity is voiced from all sides of society. On the economic and political front, there is positive progress in integration. But to unite people culturally, the Arts has to take the final mantle.

Key questions to consider during this session:
•  What is the common denominator of Arts in the Muslim World?
•  Is calligraphy unique to the Middle East or is it different in various Muslim countries?
•  How has modern music changed the landscape of Arts in the Muslim World?
•  Can Art be a counter-culture to western liberalism?
•  How can culture be fused in music, visuals or even films?
•  Can Art be a revolutionary movement?

The Business of Art: Strengthening an Industry, Securing a Future

The Arts is often thought of as a peripheral industry - ‘something on the sides which does not pay the bills’. This perception may in turn reduce the support given to young budding artists to pursue their aspirations. The resultant lack of opportunities and other support systems crucial for young artists to further nurture their talents is the main reason why the industry has stagnated to what it is today. But Art is about everything. It is about being creative and thinking beyond the realm of the obvious. These are important skills that can be employed across different industries. 

Key questions to explore are:
•  What are the common misperceptions about the Arts?
•  How do we mitigate these misperceptions?
•  What are the support systems readily available in the Muslim World and how do we make it better?
•  What role can the governments play in securing a better future for the industry?
•  What role does information technology/new media play in propagating appreciation of the arts?

Special Workshop: Madny Al Bakry

Theme: Islam and the Philosophy of Art

Visual Art Exhibits

Theme: Cultural Crossroads
Genres: Tengri Art, Oriental Art and Calligraphy
Art displays include photography, painting and installations.

•  Murat Alimov, Cartoonist, Kazakhstan
•  Madny Al Bakry, Calligraffiti Artist, Oman
•  Raushan Aspandiyarova, Painter, Kazakhstan
•  Esengali Sadyrbayev, Painter, Kazakhstan
•  Nurlan Turekhanov, Designer, Kazakhstan
•  Gulnar Suinbayeva, Painter, Kazakhstan
•  Gulnazim Omirzak, Visual Artist, Kazakhstan
•  Eugene H. Johnson, Photographer, USA

Visual Art Exhibits

Theme: Soul Searching
Art displays include video artworks and photography.

•  Madny Al Bakry, Calligraffiti Artist, Oman

Organized by WIEF Foundation


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