Group exhibition at the Studio Seven Gallery, Dubai CaliXpressions – 7 Artists / 7 Styles
Aug 19, 2019 INSPO, Exhibition
Studio Seven Gallery, in cooperation with Art4you Gallery, hosts a group exhibition 'CaliXpressions'. Seven accomplished artists display various styles of calligraphy, as well as paintings and sculptures inspired by calligraphy combined with contemporary abstract interpretation.
Installation view of the exhibition / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Calligraphy is known as 'beautiful handwriting', and in Arabic, it also means the 'art of the pen', and 'the geometry of the spirit'. The art of writing letters beautifully in different styles without compromising the disciplined construction of letters maintains the spirit of the rich tradition and legacy of the Arab culture. Tradition and culture play a vital role in forming a younger generation and have a major role in the sustainable development of society. ART4You Gallery values this philosophy and provides a larger quality platform to identify, develop, appreciate and enhance the young talents supported by the vast experience of Master calligraphers.
With this exhibition, ART4You Gallery promotes the young minds along with the experienced masters to give equal respect to tradition and culture. Art4You Gallery founders Jesno Rengi and Rengi Cherian, active members of the UAE art scene, relentlessly create platforms to showcase talents by creating various events largely appreciated on a global level. In coordination with the Studio Seven Art Gallery, they share ideas and experiences to support upcoming artists to pursue their path towards art.
Art4You Gallery founders Jesno Rengi and Rengi Cherian / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
The opening ceremony was held in the presence of respected guests, Khalil Abdul Wahid, Director of Fine Arts, Dubai Culture and Yasser Al Gergawi, Director of Programs & Partnership - Ministry of Tolerance, Chairman of Dubai Folklore Theatre. Other guests included Khulood Al Jabri, Fine Art Expert; Nada Al Barazi, Artist; Sultana Kazim, Fashion Designer/ Coordinator of Museum of Americas; Baburaj, MD-Cassells Al Barsha Hotel; Ahmed Rukni Al Awadhi, Artist; Peter Gresman, Founder of Artforumuae; Ebrahim Juma, Singer & Composer.
Installation view of the exhibition / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
The participating artists are Ahmed Al Dossary, Ali Al Ameri, Anjini Prakash Laitu, Dia Allam, Hicham Chajai, Nisar Ibrahim & Shaymaa Al Khatib. They show their stunning designs, paintings, and sculptures, inspired by calligraphy.
Group photo of the organizers and the participating artists / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
“Art is a way of bridging societies and cultures – and all art speaks the same language of beauty, inspiration, and creativityâ€, says Rengi Cherian, Co-Founder of Art4you.
An aspiring artist from the UAE, Ahmed Abdulla Al Dossary discovered his talent about a decade ago. Starting as a hobby, he gradually found himself falling in love with art and pursued it as a passion, with an undying flame of curiosity and excitement. He mastered various mediums of art, namely oil, acrylic, and charcoal. His portraits of Sheikh Khalifa, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Zayed, Remake of Da Vinci's self-portrait are only a few of those artworks from his huge collection, widely appreciated and admired.
Ahmed Abdulla Al Dossary / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Ahmed Abdulla Al Dossary explains his work / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Installation view of the exhibition / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
An artist with decades of experience, Anjini Prakash Laitu has created his own artistic identity with the ability to play fearlessly with colours. He unfolded his everlasting passion in art by rendering his imaginations on fabric & porcelain which attracted and impressed a large mass of enthusiastic minds. Appreciations gave him the courage to push forward and express his emotions and views on a larger canvas with a simple, yet meaningful mission, to spread joy and bliss with colours. Laithu has been a regular participant in most of the art events as an artist or as a motivator in various art exhibitions in India. Even at the age of 78, he is an inspiration to young artists. He has sharpened his interest in Arabic calligraphy combined with contemporary abstraction.
Anjini Prakash Laitu in front of his work / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
The UAE artist, with decades of experience, Ali Al Ameri draws his inspiration from different styles of calligraphy. From his childhood days on, he was guided into the world of creativity by his father Dr. Salah Shirzad, Founder of Horoof Magazine; and helped by Ali Al Ameeri to know more about calligraphy and its techniques. He also spent his valuable time with Ali Neda, Manager of Arabic Calligraphy Center in Sharjah, which enhanced his creative abilities and widened his knowledge in Arabic calligraphy. He has been actively involved in various art events as an artist and a motivator. His artworks have been displayed in more than 50 venues. He has engraved his mark in the history of art with his unique patterns and style.
Ali Al Ameri / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Installation view of the exhibition / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
An Egyptian muralist, born in the United Arab Emirates, Dia Allam is well known for his astonishing calligraphic artworks. An architect by profession and founder of Naht Designs, Dia Allam is an immense contributor to the art community and has participated in various art exhibitions and events. Also a curator, Allam has organized many art exhibitions and is an active member in major art events which redefined milestones in the art industry. As a calligrapher, muralist and live art performer, he engages and partners with various art-related activities in the UAE. It has always been a true spectacle for the art community to experience his artworks with bold strokes and vivid colours. Dia has achieved Guinness Record for Graffiti Scroll and RAK Guinness Record for the biggest glow in the dark graffiti wall.
Dia Allam / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Dia Allam / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Dia Allam / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
Born in France with Moroccan origins, Hicham Chajai is an engineer inspired by the Syrian master Frédéric Fattal, from whom he has learned the calligraphic scripts Diwani and Kufi. Driven by his strong determination to build bridges between people and across cultures, Hicham organized various exhibitions, workshops, and seminars across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. He is actively involved in the continuous exchange of ideas with local artists. Having lived in various regions enhanced his creative abilities to form a unique artistic identity.
Installation view of the exhibition / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
An architect and an art director by profession, Nisar Ibrahim hails from Trissur, India. He is a well-known artist who imprinted his footmark in various fields of visual art including the direction of short movies which have been presented at many film festivals. As a keen observer of the world around him, he uses his artistic abilities to explore the mysterious realms of the human mind and human struggles across the globe. His is interested in global politics, anti-colonialism, and anti-imperialism, which brings a strong message to the viewer. His ability to create abstract and architectural work has earned him laurels from clients and critics alike.
She is an interior designer from Jordan who is also an artist and art educator. She holds a prestigious master's degree in fine arts and her prime focus is channelled towards research on how to redefine Islamic art. In her works, she combines abstraction with traditional Islamic art.
Installation view of the exhibition / Courtesy of ART4You Gallery
The exhibition 'CaliXpressions' presents seven artists who share their stories through their astounding artworks. The group show brings a thrilling experience to the art enthusiasts and visitors. The artists are available at the venue to greet and meet, and to share their inspiring journey and memorable uplifting moments in their artistic careers. The exhibition is on view until Aug 21, 2019, at the Studio Seven Art Gallery in Dubai.
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