Group Exhibition at the Cultural - Artistic Society Gajret in Belgrade (Feb 27 - March 8, 2010) Exhibition Maktub (Note) of Silence
Mar 07, 2010 IAM
Maktub of Silence, the exhibition displayed 42 works of calligraphy, ebru, prints and paintings. The artists who exhibited their works are: Kenan Surkovic, Elvira Bojadzic, Velid Hodzic, Alma Hodzic, Elvis Hajdarevic, Azra Hamzagic.
This was the first exhibition of Islamic art in the history of this city. The exhibition was a cooperation between the Cultural - Artistic Society Gajret from Belgrade, Association of Artists - Elif and Monolit, the Association for promoting Islamic Arts.
After Belgrade, the exhibition will travel to Nis and Novi Sad.
Apr 07, 2010 - 16:42:51
Thank you Andrew for your kind words
Inshallah one day, ...
Mar 29, 2010 - 4:16:26
Thank you for the beautiful website, good exhibitions and also for the magazine. I hope some day visitors will have an opportunity to buy some of the spectacular artwork and support local artists, perhaps through this website.
Best wishes from America,
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