PHOTOGRAPHY HIPA Announces ‘Merit Medal’ Recipients for 6th Season
Apr 05, 2017 Photography
The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) has announced the recipients of the merit medal awards for the recently concluded sixth season of competition ‘The Challenge’. The 20 merit medallists will receive a ‘HIPA recognition award’ as well as a copy of the annual HIPA book which features their photographs as well as other finalist and winning photographs from HIPA’s sixth season. This comes on the back of HIPA announcing the winners of its sixth season of competition ‘The Challenge’ at the annual Awards Ceremony which was held on the 15th of March 2017 at Dubai Opera in Downtown Dubai.
Commenting on this announcement, the Secretary General of HIPA His Excellency Ali bin Thalith said, “The HIPA Merit Medal recipients were chosen due to the immense quality of their submissions which also happened to reach the final stages of judging. The HIPA Board of Trustees felt that it was appropriate to present photographers who do well in the judging process with an accolade as a form of recognition and support for their quality work. We wish to encourage photographers to continue in their pursuit for excellence and were thoroughly delighted with the international variety of winners and merit medal recipients. Of the 20 total recipients, 5 merit medals were awarded to photographers who submitted in ‘The Challenge’ category, 5 in the ‘Portfolio’ category, 3 in ‘Digital Manipulation’ and 7 in the ‘General’ category, 4 of which were coloured submissions and 3 ‘black and white’.
Abdullah Alshathri, Saudi Arabia / Courtesy of HIPA
Amir Mahdi Najafloo Shahpar, Iran / Courtesy of HIPA
Andrey Golovanov, Russian-Federation / Courtesy of HIPA
Arzu IbranoÄŸlu, Turkey / Courtesy of HIPA
Debdatta Chakraborty, India / Courtesy of HIPA
Dhiky Aditya, Indonesia / Courtesy of HIPA
Fadi Thabet, Palestinian Territory / Courtesy of HIPA
Fatehi Al Drwysh, Saudi-Arabia / Courtesy of HIPA
Hussein Mahmoud, Egypt / Courtesy of HIPA
Jasem Khlef, Canada / Courtesy of HIPA
Maria Plotnikova, Russian-Federation / Courtesy of HIPA
}Michelangelo Mignosa, Italy / Courtesy of HIPA
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman Khan, Bangladesh / Courtesy of HIPA
Muhammad Alamsyah Rauf, Indonesia / Courtesy of HIPA
Mustapha Meskine, Morocco / Courtesy of HIPA
Pablo Lasaosa Vidal, Spain / Courtesy of HIPA
Saurabhbhai Desai, India / Courtesy of HIPA
Sulaiman Al Mawash, Kuwait / Courtesy of HIPA
Xenia Maria Perez Gonzalez, Spain / Courtesy of HIPA
Yousef Shakar Al-Zaabi, UAE / Courtesy of HIPA
The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) recently launched its Seventh Season of Competition themed ‘The Moment’. Further categories and details on the new season will be announced in the coming period.
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