HIPA, HUMANITY, 10TH SEASON, 2020/2021 General Category Winners
Jul 30, 2021 EVENT, Awards
For the General – Colour category, first place goes to Sameer Al-Doumy from France, second place is Fatima Zahra Cherkaoui from Morocco, and third place is awarded to Eirik Gronningsaeter from Norway. In the General – Black & White category, first place is Giuseppe Cocchieri from Italy, followed by Indonesian photographers Yadi Setiadi in second and Bambang Wirawan in third place.
General - Colour Category Winner, 1st prize: Sameer Al-Doumy from France / Courtesy of HIPA
General - Colour Category Winner, 2nd prize: Fatima Zahra Cherkaoui from Morocco / Courtesy of HIPA
General - Colour Category Winner, 3rd prize: Eirik Gronningsaeter from Norway / Courtesy of HIPA
General - B&W Category Winner, 1st prize: Giuseppe Cocchieri from Italy / Courtesy of HIPA
General - B&W Category Winner, 2nd prize: Yadi Setiadi from Indonesia / Courtesy of HIPA
General - B&W Category Winner, 3rd prize: Bambang Wirawan from Indonesia / Courtesy of HIPA
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