Oct 17, 2013 Photography
SARAJEVO / The photo exhibition 'Iran: A Look Inside' opened on October 10, 2013 at Bosniak Institute in Sarajevo. Emir Hadzikadunic, the former Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Iran (2010-2013) captured with his camera the beauty of different cities, the rich Iranian cultural heritage and the fascinating Iranian landscape.
With an outstanding choice of topics, ranging from the architecture to everyday life, Hadzikadunic reveals through his photography a closer view of Iran where he lived for three years. Each of the photo is also explained in the form of author's comment or observation, presenting his vision and experience. Hadzikadunic is showing an interest for things as they are and hence documenting the reality of the moment.
The exhibition presents 64 photos and will be on display at Bosniak Institute until October 25, 2013.
'Iran: A Look Inside' by Emir Hadzikadunic / Photo from the exhibition by Islamic Arts Magazine
"This is the most beautiful Iranian beach I have ever seen. Endless to both directions, with clear sea, red sand and rocky mountains behind. I could only imagine what kind of opportunities for tourists could be offered here." (Emir Hadzikadunic)
'Iran: A Look Inside' by Emir Hadzikadunic / Photo from the exhibition by Islamic Arts Magazine
"Stunning stained glass at Nasir Al Mulk Mosque in Shiraz." (Emir Hadzikadunic)
'Iran: A Look Inside' by Emir Hadzikadunic / Photo from the exhibition by Islamic Arts Magazine
"Devided attention. In the background the wall art in the passage of Bandar Abbas." (Emir Hadzikadunic)
'Iran: A Look Inside' by Emir Hadzikadunic / Photo from the exhibition by Islamic Arts Magazine
"Iranian girls proudly express national team's victory. A few hours earlier, Iran secured the ticket for Brazil by defeating South Korea in the last football qualification match." (Emir Hadzikadunic)
'Iran: A Look Inside' by Emir Hadzikadunic / Photo from the exhibition by Islamic Arts Magazine
"Waiting to be hired near the Grand Bazaar in Teheran." (Emir Hadzikadunic)
'Iran: A Look Inside' by Emir Hadzikadunic / Photo from the exhibition by Islamic Arts Magazine
"A packed stadium during the volleyball match between Iran and Germany." (Emir Hadzikadunic)
Emir Hadzikadunic was born in 1971 in Gracanica, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1997 he graduated at the International Islamic University in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. He finished his Masters on the theme 'Human Rights and Democracy' as the part of an interdisciplinary graduate program at the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna in 2002. He acquired additional academic training at the Institute for European Studies at the University of San Pablo in Madrid, at the Diplomatic Academy in Dubrovnik and at the Danish School of Public Administration in Copenhagen. From January 2010 until August 2013 he was an ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Iran.
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