Czech Republic Pavillion at Expo 2020, Dubai Plastic Oceans Exhibition
Nov 21, 2021 INSPO, Exhibition
'Plastic Oceans' is an environmental call-to-action by well-known glass masters Pavel Baxa and Vlastimil Beranek and their long-time apprentices Jaroslav Prosek and Ela Smcek. The main idea is to raise awareness and challenge all visitors to think about what they can do to prevent seas and oceans pollution. The glass sculptures, partially covered with plastics, represent the marine world, where we are witnessing a similar alarming phenomenon.
The exhibition includes a performance of the artists dumping plastic debris on the stunning sea-inspired sculptures, just like the vast amount of plastic is constantly dumped into the sea, destroying the beauty and life of the marine environment. 'Plastic Oceans' is an alarming message to all of us to realize that we can reduce our use of plastic and save the oceans.
Pavel Baxa, Sea Form, 38x19Xx10 cm, 6 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Pavel Baxa, Sea Form, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Vlastimil Beranek, Aqua, 23x23x23 cm, 6 kg/ Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Vlastimil Beranek, Aqua, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Vlastimil Beranek, Aqua, / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Vlastimil Beranek, Aqua One Strom, 27x30x25 cm, 7,5 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Vlastimil Beranek, Aqua One Strom, another view / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Vlastimil Beranek, Aqua One Strom, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Jaroslav Prosek, Ammonite, 7x36x32 cm, 10 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Jaroslav Prosek, Ammonite, other view / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Jaroslav Prosek, Ammonite, 30x30x6 cm, 6,3 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Jaroslav Prosek, Ammonite, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Jaroslav Prosek, Transformation, 49x44x21 cm, 80 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Jaroslav Prosek, Transformation, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Micheela Smcek, Lambis Shell, 32x50x12,5 cm, 11,4 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Lambis Shell, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Tree-Ice, 52x22x13 cm, 15 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Tree-Ice, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Two, 50x28x35 cm, 54 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Two, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Octopus Bowl, 4x42x18 cm, 34,5 kg / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
Ela Smcek, Octopus Bowl, detail / Courtesy of Crystal Caviar and the artist
The hi polished Bohemian Crystal sculptures by renowned artists will be exhibited on November 22 in the Czech Republic pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai.
To learn more about the artists and their work, visit https://www.crystalcaviar.eu/
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