EXHIBITION AT THE MUSEUM OF URBAN AND CONTEMPORARY ART - MUCA The Art of Writing: World-class Calligraffiti Artists on Show
Nov 07, 2017 Calligraffiti
When it comes to the street art words have a long tradition, they evolved to their own pictorial language. Many artists of the street deal with the art of writing, develop it further up to high art of calligraphy. The selected artist of this 'genre' among others were Patrick Hartl, Said Dokins, Stohead, JonOne, L’Atlas, Tarek Benaoum, Jan Koke, Jiwoo und Creepy Mouse. In the video bellow you can see the behind scenes of the exhibition. The exhibition was on view until November 5, 2017.
Installation view / Photo by Said Dokins
John Parello, The Art of Writing / Courtesy of MUCA
Words by Stohead / Courtesy of MUCA
White young maze by LAtlas / Courtesy of MUCA
Said Dokins, Heliographies of Memory, Necropolitics-Salamanca-Mexico / Courtesy of Said Dokins
Said Dokins, Heliographies of Memory, Matadero-Halle-Germany / Courtesy of Said Dokins
MUCA Exhibition 'THE ART OF WRITING': World-class Calligraffiti Artists on Show at Germany's first museum of Urban Art / Video: Felix Consolati
Next to the exhibition, one of the participating artists, Said Dokins was commissioned to create a huge wall mural for the Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art | MUCA. The mural is in the heart of the city, a stone's throw from Marienplatz, at front of the Museum there is a power electric plant that feeds the city. The mural was created on a more than 1200 square meters wall. It is the biggest mural in Munich. The mural took Said Dokins more than 10 days to create. This project was supported by the Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art | MUCA, and the Ministry of Culture in Mexico, FONCA (The National Fund for Culture and the Arts), as well as the Sistema Nacional de Creadores (National System of Creators in México).
Said Dokins, Chalchihuite, Munich, 2017 / Courtesy of Said Dokins
Said Dokins, Chalchihuite, 2017. Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art, MUCA, Munich. Photo: Leonardo Luna, Video: Felix Consolati / @saidokins @leodluna
The mural is a reflection on time, in it's multiple dimensions. On one side, the concept of cyclic time is represented by a great circle 'Chalchihuite', while on the other side, Dokins approaches the concept of time as a current situation, present time, saturated by conflicts and wars. Dokins reproduces, in his own unique style, a poem by the Syrian writer Ali Ahmad Said, about time, where the author does a deep reflection on Syrian War and human condition.
For Said Dokins, the subject of refugees is very important within European context, especially in Germany and in Bavarian community because, despite the creation of several programs for refugees in Munich, due to the political and social situation in the city, the segregation between these communities is very pronounced. This mural is a call for diversity, flexibility an openness of society to migratory flows and to the new time that is arising in Munich.
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