Solo exhibition at The Lightbox, (25 May - 6 June 2021) The Four Elements by Nagihan Seymour
Jun 04, 2021 TRADITION, Tezhip
UK-based artist Nagihan Seymour is specialised in Tezhip, the art of illumination and sacred geometry. 'The Four Elements' includes her latest paintings and ceramics incorporating natural pigments and precious metals. Drawing inspiration from nature in the design process, the artist challenges herself to simplify and stylise the infinite complexity of the natural world and applies that in her patterns and designs.
Nagihan's paintings are symmetrical designs consisting of floral ornamentation or patterns. Gold is the primary material used in the paintings, complimented with acrylic, gouache and watercolour paints on handmade and treated papers. Her paintings are hand-drawn and painted incorporating 11 to 24-carat gold.
Nagihan Seymour / Photo courtesy of the artist
Nagihan Seymour, Laws of the Universe / Photo courtesy of the artist
Installation view at the exhibition with the artist Nagihan Seymour / Photo courtesy of the artist
The artist explains, "The Four Elements" is my second solo exhibition, and I have grown as an artist technically and artistically. Over the past year, I have been busy creating, but I have missed having my works on display since all shows and exhibitions were cancelled. My paintings express my thoughts, emotions and how I can show my view of the world. It is a fundamental driver to see how people interpret these feelings when they view my art and its happiness.
This exhibition is my representation of the four classic elements Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Individually they form a small part of the world around us but together, they explain the complexities of all matter. I tend to view the world through a microscope and look at the little things that make up the bigger picture."
Nagihan Seymour, Flames / Photo courtesy of the artist
Nagihan Seymour, Golden Waves / Photo courtesy of the artist
Nagihan Seymour, Silver Leaves / Photo courtesy of the artist
Nagihan Seymour added, "Although originally a materials engineer, I have been interested in art since my university years, studying traditional arts in my hometown of Istanbul. Although traditional manuscript illumination and ornamentation formed the main part of my studies, as my style developed, I started to combine classic geometrical designs with illumination whilst adding a modern twist. This method has allowed me to create my unique style while sticking to the traditional rules."
Installation view / Photo courtesy of the artist
Installation view / Photo courtesy of the artist
After her first solo exhibition at The Lightbox in 2017, she became a full-time artist, painting and creating ceramics from her studio in Horsell, Woking.
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