The Photo Exhibition ‘Somali Refugees’ by Ikram Erdogan
Apr 05, 2012 Photography
Dadaab is the largest refugee camp in the worls. Situated on the Kenyan-Somali border, the Dadaab complex comprises three refugees camps - Dagaheley, Ifo and Hagadera. Spaning on area of 50 km, the camps are designed to host a total of 90,000 people. However, with a population of 440,000 hungry refugees, Dadaab houses nearly five time more people that its infrastructure is supposed to handle. AID (Alliance of International Doctors), a branch of IHH, is constantly sending new teams of medical workers to Dadaab to provide help for the Somali refugees. Ikram Erdogan, one of the medical workers, took pictures so the world can see what he saw.
Hanikah, the exhibition place / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
Ikram Erdogan / Somali Refugees / Image taken for the Islamic Arts Magazine
To see other projects as well visit their website HERE.
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