ORIENTAL COLLECTION The Qur’anic Manuscripts from the Oriental Collection of the Historical Archives of Sarajevo
Jun 14, 2016 Manuscripts
The exhibition was opened on the occasion of the International Day of the Archive and the month of Ramadan. Organized by the Historical Archives of Sarajevo, the exhibition was opened by Fuad Ohranović, Director of the Historical Archives of Sarajevo; Osman Lavić, Director of the Gazi Husrev Beg Library; Haso Popara, the curator of the exhibition and Mirvad Kurić, Minister of Culture and Sport Canton Sarajevo.
L-R: Osman Lavić, Fuad Ohranović, Haso Popara, Mirvad Kurić / Photo (©) of Islamic Arts Magazine
The exhibition presents Qur'anic manuscripts from different historical periods, starting from the end of the 14th century, until the 19th century. What makes these manuscripts stand out are excellent calligraphy and illuminations. It should be noted that the authors of the presented manuscripts are Bosniaks, which confirms that this type of art cherished in Bosnia during the entire period of the Ottoman rule.
Qur'anic manuscript. This copy was completed on Rabi al-Akhir, 1114 (Sep 10, 1702) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript. 23rd copy created by Mustafa b. Umar al-Mostari, 1173-59 / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript completed by Gamaluddin b al-Fadl al-Hafiz al-Astarabadi in the first 10 days of Jumada al-Awwal 919 (July 24 - August 4, 1513) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript was completed by Mustafa Muezzin b. al-Hagg Mahmud in the month of Ramadan, 1095 AH (1684) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, most probably from 14th or 15th century / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, dating 1060-1649/50 / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, the copy was completed by Ahmad Qazangi-zade (Kazandzic), a student of Dervish Alija, 1076 AH (1665-1666) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, the copy was completed by Salih b. Utman, 1279 AH (1865-1863) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, the copy was completed by Umar Awni Dogramagi-zade, 1219 AH (1804) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, the copy was made by Darwish Mustafa al-Mawlawi al-Bosnawi in 1068 AH (1657-1658) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, the copy was made by Muhammad al Rusdi Kutahi, a student of al-Hagg Hasan al-Wahbi, 1268 AH (1851-1852) / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Qur'anic manuscript, the copy was made by two unknown scribes, most probably in 18th century / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
The exhibition, Installation view / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
From the opening of the exhibition / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
Visitors at the opening of the exhibition / Photo (©) Islamic Arts Magazine
The exhibition runs until June 16, 2016 at the The Gazi Husrev Beg Library in Sarajevo.
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