Exhibition "Distant roads" is being held in Collegium Artisticum Sarajevo (BiH) until 01.08.2010.

“Nesim Tahirović is an artist who expresses himself with accurate and contemporary language of our time. That language is touched by historical experience, Avantgarde and Informel art. His work is not only expressing the voice of a general international culture but expresses transfer in a very modern expressions of heritage and culture of his country. He definitely understood that our time, dominated by the logic of technology, profit and power, has a need for creativity, as well as the guarantee of freedom in the world not of false fantasy but the fantasy that is deeply hidden in re-meditation. In fact, the works of the artist, the subjects and forms are deeply rooted in Islamic, Orthodox and Bosnian Church traditions.

Creativity is fully sustained as the artist uses ancient techniques of craftsmen, such as treatment of wood in the manner of old icons, metalworking, and almost ritualistic use of nails, as well as the use of fine mysterious letters.In this action of returning the value of individual work, as a moment of free creativity, Nesim Tahirović, is successful at harmonizing synthesis of being a painter, sculptor and graphic artist, which only our modern civilization, based on division of work, could divide into so many specializations, so a part of the experience of creative work disappeared and is being recommended by the artist against alienation of modern man who wants to find in art the means of relief, release and promotion.”  (Dr. Sergio Molesi, 1977, Trieste)

Basic information about the artist:

Address:Goli Brijeg 9, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: 00387 35 294 300
Mobile phone: 00387 61 650 291, 00387 62 611 311
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Photos: Islamic Arts Magazine
© Copyright Nesim Tahirovic (the photos can not be used without the permission of the author)

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